Antler is a poet., or
Casey June Wolf was uprooted (unwillingly, at first) from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and transplanted to Vancouver in 1967, giving her prairie wildgrass roots and a temperate rainforest stem. (Flowers and foliage vary.) She writes occasional poems and speculative fiction stories, her most recent publication being “Fog” in The Nettle Tree (Chase, 2016). Her book As the Sun Shines Among Stars: Poems & Prayers to Brigit of Ireland is due to be released in 2017. Her collection Finding Creatures & Other Stories was published by Wattle and Daub Books in 2008. Read more by Casey at Another Fine Day in the Scriptorium.
David ap Gwilym was a poet.
Elena Botica creció en un pequeño pueblo de La Mancha en el seno de una familia aficionada al teatro. Desde pequeña escribe y canta, compone canciones y toca la flauta travesera. Estudió música en el Conservatorio Jacinto Guerrero de Toledo y traducción e interpretación en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. En 2006 se traslada a Berlín, ciudad donde desarrollará su propia música y poesía. Incansable viajera, autora de fanzines y blogs, ha participado en conferencias y talleres en Brasil, Colombia y Uruguay entre muchos otros países. Publica su primer libro conjunto El Viaje del Héroe en 2014 en Granada con la Kasa Editorial Itinerante Daos.
Emilio José Montaño López (Granada, junio de 1978) es poeta, obrero y licenciado en Filología Hispánica por la Universidad de Granada. Cursó estudios de Psicología y de Interpretación bajo el magisterio de la escuela de dramaturgia "La Cuarta Pared", Madrid.
También ha escrito una obra de teatro, Cerca de la madrugada, con la que se erigió finalista del Premio Federico García Lorca para estudiantes de las universidades españolas y publicada en 2006; asimismo ha realizado, periódicamente, y desde el año 1996, numerosos recitales en la sala granadina Vimaambí. Actualmente, y desde hace varios años, reside en Ullapool, un pequeño pueblo de las Tierras Altas de Escocia.
Erynn Rowan Laurie has spent a lifetime pursuing the art and craft of poetry. Originally from New England, she spent several decades living on the shores of the Salish Sea, and now resides on the edge of the Adriatic, in Trieste, Italy. Her influences range from early Irish poetics to Surrealists and the Beats, with detours through world mythologies, and global poetries in translation. She is the author of Fireflies at Absolute Zero from Hiraeth Press.
Giles Watson was born in Southampton, emigrated to Australia with his parents at the age of one, and lived there for the next twenty-five years, before living in County Durham, the Isles of Scilly and rural Oxfordshire. In addition to poetry and painting, he writes prose fiction and essays on natural history and mediaeval visual culture, is an avid walker, photographer and amateur naturalist. Much of his work is infused with an idiosyncratic spirituality: awed by nature, steeped in history, and inspired by a quiet sense of the sacramental. He has recently returned to live in Australia, where he augments his work as a writer with teaching at university and in schools.
Graeme Kennedy is a bee of the invisible.
Ian Kappos was born and raised in Northern California. Over two dozen of his works of short fiction, nonfiction and poetry have appeared online and in print. Co-editor of Milkfist (, he occasionally maintains a website at
Lawrence Ferlinghetti is a poet.
MAAM (Maria de los Ángeles Argote Molina) was a poet and founder of the Taller de Arte Vimaambi in Granada, Spain. Nació el 14 de julio de 1955 en Jaén (Andalucía) en el seno de una familia muy modesta. Brillante alumna, cursó bachillerato de ciencia a la edad de 16 años e ingresó en la facultad de medicina de Granada con 18 años. Fué encarcelada varias veces con motivo de su militancia en el clandestino Partido de los Trabajadores de España (PTE), organización de orientación maoísta. Después de 4 años de estudios - con 22 años - renunció a la carrera médica para entregarse por completo a la poesía, la defensa y la promoción del Arte. Residió en París a principio de la década de los 80 y volvió a establecer su residencia en Granada en 1984. En 1992 creó en el barrio del Albayzín, junto con el cineasta francés Vincent Biarnès, el pianista de jazz norteamericano David Lenker, los pintores Yasumasa Toshima, Joaquín Martinez Albaracín y Miguel Lara la asociación de artistas Taller de Arte Vimaambi. Para celebrar la ocasión editó su primera obra, serigrafiada enteramente por ella misma: "Distancia". En 2010, la diputación de Granada publicó su libro "Made in París" ilustrado por el pintor granadino Miguel Rodríguez Acosta. Muere repentinamente el día 4 de setiembre de 2013 en su casa de Granada.
Mahmoud Darwish was a poet.
Poet/musician Mike Mahoney studied music & drums at University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA. (bachelor's in jazz performance). Author of Emergence, a major first book of poems described by Milwaukee poet Antler “ if ‘Howl’ and ‘Factory’ got married and had a child and it was you. Or the miraculous return of Whitman, Snyder, Muir, Abbey, Rumi, Gibran in a tender-hearted 24-year-old marijuana mushroom sacrament wilderness visionquester drummer shaman freedom singer.” He is the composer/drummer/band leader on modern-jazz album Wallingford.
Nicolas Ramajo Chiacchio is a poet.
P. Sufenas Virius Lupus is a metagender person, and one of the founders of (but no longer involved with) several modern Antinoan groups, and practices a queer, Graeco-Roman-Egyptian syncretist reconstructionist form of polytheism dedicated to Antinous--the deified lover of the Roman Emperor Hadrian--and related divine figures. E is also a contributing member of Neos Alexandria, a practitioner of Gentlidecht and Filidecht, with additional devotions to deities from Roman Britain, Wales, Gaul, and much further afield, as well as dedications to various land spirits (especially Mt. Erie) of North Puget Sound and its islands. E is widely published in the Neos Alexandria devotional volumes, as well as other periodicals and anthologies, particularly in poetry but also with essays and fiction, and has appeared on five episodes of The New Thinking Allowed with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove (available on YouTube). Eir published books include The Phillupic Hymns (2008), The Syncretisms of Antinous (2010), Devotio Antinoo: The Doctor's Notes, Volume One (2011), All-Soul, All-Body, All-Love, All-Power: A TransMythology (2012), A Garland for Polydeukion (2012), A Serpent Path Primer (2012), Ephesia Grammata: Ancient History and Modern Practice (2014), and The Antinoan Mysteries: The Founding, Fate, Failure, Fall, and Finish of a Modern Mystery Cult (2016). Follow em and eir work at eir website,
Robert Graves was a poet.
Ruby Sara is the editor of two collections of esoteric poetry published by Scarlet Imprint (Datura, 2010 and Mandragora, 2012). She lives in San Antonio, TX USA.
Scott Ramsay is a poet.
Slippery Elm is a poet.
Poet, scholar and storyteller Steven Posch was raised in the hardwood forests of western Pennsylvania by white-tailed deer. (That's the story, anyway.) He emigrated to Paganistan in 1979 and by sheer dint of personality has become one of Lake Country's foremost men-in-black. He is current keeper of the Minnesota Ooser.
Tanya Fader is a Vancouver writer, singer/songwriter, and social activist. She has published non-fiction articles, blogs, and poetry in print and online. Fader holds English Literature and Psychology degrees from the University of British Columbia and has been a member of several art, music, and performance groups; she was also a selected poet for the Vancouver Word on the Street Literary Festival. More recently, she has performed poetry readings for social and environmental causes including, The Black Crow Project, Mycelium Rising, and Salish Seas. Fader writes and records music with other independent recording artists and both her poetry and music have been used in independent film scripts and productions. She is a contributor to the Blackletter Ballads poetry series and has penned two, thus far, unpublished novels..
Victor Anderson was a poet.